Leaving on a Jet Plane is one of the English language's great emotional love songs, originally sung by the late John Denver. Practice your listening and phrasal verb skills by completing this gap-fill! I suggest listening once first, then begin completing the gap-fill while listening another two times. You do not need to listen to the whole song, just the first couple of verses.
When you have finished click on Show Full Lyrics (below) and sing along!
Santa Claus is Coming to Town is a classic Christmas song and to get you into the Christmas spirit why not practice your listening skills by filling in this gap-fill! I suggest listening once first, then begin completing the gap-fill while listening another two times. Merry Christmas everyone!
So it seems that there is a little disapointment that yesterday's exercise on singing songs in English did not actually include a song for you to sing. Let's put that right. Here is a classic Beatles song, suggested to us by Grivna, a regular user of this site (thanks, Grivna). The lyrics are included in the video.
Listen to the first three verses of this song and choose which word is being sung.