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phrasal verbs

Phrasal Verb - Back Up

Average: 3 (19 votes)

Choose the right verb

Average: 2.8 (14 votes)

Take a look at the following ten sentences and choose the correct missing verb. This exercise is good for High Intermediate English students.

Link: Which question is best?

Three-part phrasal verbs

Average: 3.3 (44 votes)

Phrasal Verb - Pick Up

Average: 2.8 (9 votes)

Phrasal Verb - Put One's Foot Down

Average: 3.5 (23 votes)

This month's joke is based on the double meaning of the idiom put one's foot down:

1 - To put your foot down - To act firmly / To tell someone strongly that they must do something or that they must stop doing something:
"You can't just let him do what he wants, you'll have to put your foot down."

In the news: Sound of Music sends teenagers home

Average: 2.4 (9 votes)

Youth club organisers have found a new weapon to drive out teenagers who overstay their welcome - songs from the musical 'The Sound of Music' have been used to encourage youngsters to go home when youth clubs wrap up for the night.

Staff at the Hilton Community Centre were having difficulty dispersing teenagers, who were reluctant to leave when the youth club ended at 10pm on Thursdays and Fridays. Hearing the singing nun pipe up is the way they are told that the party's over.

10 Common Idioms

Average: 3.6 (224 votes)

Here are some sample sentences using English idioms. After you read the sentences, see if you can match each idiom with the definition.

1. After he was cut by the team, he turned over a new leaf and started working out.

2. I couldn't believe he actually passed himself off as a native speaker.

Choose the Correct Phrasal Verb

Average: 2.1 (157 votes)

Because you love phrasal verbs here's an exercise on them. Which preposition is needed to make the right phrasal verb to fit each sentence?

Link: Phrasal Verbs - test your knowledge

Link: The position of Phrasal Verbs

Some Handy (=useful) Expressions

Average: 3 (15 votes)

Pick out the correct word to go in the blank to complete the expressions with 'hand.'  The actual meaning is inside the brackets or parentheses.

This lesson was created by Evelyn Ono Vineberg, EC San Diego

Environment Vocabulary - Saving our Planet

Cartoon - Break Off

Average: 3.8 (8 votes)

This month's joke is based on the double meaning of the phrasal verb break off:

1 - Break off: To separate or become separated, as by twisting or tearing:
"Do you want some of my chocolate? I'll break off a piece for you."