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Common mistakes in English - Do you make any of these?

Average: 2.8 (42 votes)


Take a look at these sentences; they are all classic mistakes that can be heard in English classrooms around the world. Do you know what is wrong with each sentence? Most English teachers hear these mistakes all the time so don'’t worry if you have been saying them – you are not alone!
Now is your chance to say them right!

The sentences in blue are WRONG!

Quick Tip - How to use Either and Neither

Average: 3.2 (74 votes)

Compare the following comparative sentences:

"I'd like to go to either Spain or Italy."

"The problem is I have neither time nor money.'

What is the zero conditional?

Average: 4.6 (542 votes)

What is the zero conditional?

We use the zero conditional when we want to talk about facts or things that are generally true. Scientific facts are often covered by the zero conditional: "When you heat ice, it melts."

How to use During, For and While

Average: 3.6 (231 votes)

The prepositions during, for, and while are often used with time time expressions. Let's take a look at the difference in usage between during, for, and while.

How to use Myself and Yourself!

Average: 3.4 (78 votes)

'We took the horses out by ourselves.'

Do you know how to make Passive Sentences?

Average: 3.2 (96 votes)

Prepositions Test

Average: 3.6 (526 votes)

Take a look at the ten sentences below. You will notice that each one is missing a preposition. Choose which one is correct for each sentence.

Prepositions are used before nouns, noun phrases or pronouns, connecting them to other words.

Quick tip - Well vs Good

Average: 2.9 (169 votes)

Well vs Good

"I speak English well."

"I speak English good."

Which of these is correct and why?

Can you choose the correct Personal Pronoun?

Average: 4 (14 votes)

What's a personal pronoun?

In English, personal pronouns are used instead of nouns for 'people' and 'things'.

They are used so that we don't repeat the same words over and over again. Let's look at an example using the noun picture:

Is or Are?

Average: 3.4 (72 votes)

Linking Verbs

Linking verbs connect subjects with nouns, pronouns, or adjectives.

Linking verbs can either be plural or singular and they must agrees with the subject of the sentence.