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For, during and while

Average: 4.3 (25 votes)

For, during and while are used in time expressions.


For is a time expression followed by a length of time – for an hour.

Examples with for:

I have been waiting for an hour.
Sarah is going to Spain for ten days.
Henry lived in France for five years.

So and Such

Average: 3.9 (23 votes)

Here is an explanation of the uses of so and such:

So is used before an adjective or an adverb:
so big – so beautifully designed

Such is followed by a or an and is used before an adjective + a singular noun:
such a long time – such an incredible story

Subject and Object Pronouns

Average: 3.8 (211 votes)

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Without pronouns we would have to keep repeating our nouns.

We don't say:  My sister is very friendly. Everyone likes my sister.
Instead, we say: My sister is very friendly. Everyone likes her.

Like and As

Average: 3.8 (25 votes)

There is often some confusion between the usage of 'like' and 'as'.


'Like' is used before a noun or pronoun to say that two things are similar; they behave or work in the same way:
He works like a slave.
She swims like a fish.
He runs like the wind.

Play, Go, Do

Average: 3.4 (139 votes)

When we speak about sports and leisure activities the verbs 'play', 'go' and 'do' are used with different sports and activities.


Play is used with sports that have teams, rules and competitions:
Badminton, baseball, football, golf, rugby and tennis are some examples.
I have been playing tennis for over ten years.
When I was young we played football just outside our house in the street.

Like, Look like, Be like

Average: 3.5 (46 votes)

Like can be used as a verb to talk about tastes and preferences:
I like chocolate.
I like living in the city.

If a verb is used after like it can take the –ing form or the infinitive with to with very little difference in meaning:
I like cooking. I like to cook.

Future Continuous

Average: 4.1 (12 votes)

The future continuous is formed with 'will/won't + be + -ing'
I will be meeting David tomorrow.

We use the future continuous to talk about a temporary action in progress at a particular time in the future.
They'll be celebrating their tenth anniversary next weekend.
I won't be working on Monday.

Future Perfect Tense

Average: 3.4 (19 votes)

The future perfect is formed with 'will/won't + have + past participle'.
He will have left by the time you arrive.

How long – how often

Average: 3.9 (34 votes)

For – since

We use for to say how long
How long have you been waiting? Oh not long. Just for a few minutes.
They lived in Spain for nearly ten years.
We use since to say when something started.
I’ve worked here for nine years – I’ve worked here since 2004


From ...to/until are used to say when something starts and finishes:
The lessons are from Monday to Thursday.
We will be away from the 13th to the 20th of September.

Dates and Time

Average: 4 (24 votes)

We use phrases with prepositions as time adverbials:


At is used with:
‘Clock times’ at seven o’clock – at ten thirty – at eight fifteen
Mealtimes  at breakfast – at lunch – at dinner
Other phrases at night – at the weekend – at Christmas