Well, last week you said that you did well on our idiom quiz, so here's another one. How many can you get right? Can you do better than last week. Have I come up with a test that's too difficult for you? Who wins: me or you? Let's find out! Go! Go! Go!
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- When we say that something has gone to the dogs, we mean that it has become ruined/terrible/worse than before.
- When something costs an arm and a leg, it is expensive.
- When you shoot the breeze, you chat in a relaxed way.
- When someone is a laugh a minute, they are funny.
- When something is as interesting as watching paint dry, it is very boring.
- When something fits like a glove, it is a perfect fit / it fits well.
- When we say a penny for your thoughts, we are asking what someone is thing about.
- When we have mixed feelings about something, we are happy and sad at the same time.
- When we have a soft spot for something, we have a fondness for it / we like it.
- When we jump the gun, we do something too soon - before it should be done.
Link: Last week's idiom test
Link: Body idioms
Link: Animal idioms
- This place has gone to the ___ over the last year. It's become a terrible company.