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Build your vocabulary!

Average: 4.2 (13 votes)

Read through the ten sentences and then choose the words with the closet meanings:

Between and Among

Average: 3.7 (49 votes)

Here we take a look at the prepositions of place between and among. We'll look at how to use them and the difference between them.


Between means 'in or into the space which separates at least two places, people or objects.'

Match the question to the answer

Average: 3.1 (15 votes)

Read through the ten questions below and choose the answers which best match them:


Link: Find the extra word

Using About, Around and -ish

Average: 2.3 (10 votes)

'How many people were at the party?'

Guess the missing word

Average: 3.9 (11 votes)

Read the following ten sentences and choose the best answer to complete each sentence:


Link: Synonyms

Wh- words practice

Average: 3.2 (13 votes)

Take a look at the following ten questions. Each question is missing a wh- word. Choose the corrcect word to complete each sentence. Choose from one of the following words:

who - what -  why - which - where - when - how

Talking about preferences


Average: 1.7 (233 votes)

'Shall we go?'

Shall is a word which is commonly used in British English, but rarely in American English.
Shall can be used in a number of contexts:


Shall is often used with 'I' or 'we' instead of will:

'I shall call you later.'
'We shall talk about it tomorrow.'


Average: 3.9 (49 votes)

Here we show you how to build your vocabulary and how to guess the meaning of new words. A prefix is added at the front of words to make new ones. Knowing the meanings of prefixes will help you to guess the meanings of words. Below are ten common prefixes, what they mean and some examples.

How to use Some and Any

Average: 4.3 (649 votes)

'I bought some bread' or 'I bought any bread'?


Countable and uncountable

Some is used with both countable and uncountable nouns:

Visit Malta: reading and vocab practice

Average: 3.2 (19 votes)
